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南岸美村乡村生态博物馆:数字化摩尔纹景墙 / 东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所+东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 – 有方

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南岸美村乡村生态博物馆:数字化摩尔纹景墙 / 东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所+东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司
编辑:李博超(实习生) | 校对:李博超(实习生) | 2020.12.27 00:30
隔荷塘远眺? ?王笑

设计单位? 东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所+东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

项目地点? 四川成都

建成时间? 2019年9月

建筑面积? 348.19平方米


In Dayi county, Sichuan province, a place with unique rural memories was designed to provide a space for farming activities displaying, villagers’ assembly, reading, village party and group official business. The architects read the architectural and landscape features of the forest in western Sichuan, optimized and extended the design based on the original farmhouse. The concept is to respect the original rural courtyard enclosed architectural form and the rural landscape with trees surrounding the village, so as to excavate the rural memory of the original ecology.


▲ 项目视频? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所+东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司

项目及周边环境? ?许昊皓
鸟瞰? ?许昊皓

为此,主体建筑的设计遵循原有农舍的建筑面貌,采用川西民居的通用做法。建筑为一层双坡屋顶的形式,采用了砖混木梁架结构, 白墙灰瓦,红砖柱。只是在考虑室内采光的基础上,将屋顶的梁架做了些许提升,让光线从高侧窗进入室内。室内设计尽量避免二次装修带来的装饰,采用原木清漆,砖墙面与白色粉刷,以及清水混凝土地面和水磨石地面相结合的方式,充分体现农舍的原有风貌。

For this reason, the design of the main building follows the architectural features of the original farmhouse and adopts the general practice of the dwellings in western Sichuan. The building is a one-story brick-concrete structure with double-sloping timber roof frame, and it has white walls, gray tiles and red brick columns. Considering the indoor lighting, the roof beams are slightly raised to allow light to enter the house through the high side windows. The interior design tries to avoid the decoration brought by the second decoration, and adopts the original wood varnish, brick wall, white paint, as well as the combination of clear water concrete floor and terrazzo floor, which fully reflects the original style of the farmhouse.


建筑风貌与周边环境相得益彰? ?许昊皓


The designers intersperse "memory box" in the existing farmhouse space, including the east door and the north door of the main building, the small space inside the exhibition hall facing the courtyard, and the skylight upwards on the roof in main exhibition space. The materials are weather-resistant steel plate, glass and other non-traditional materials, which suggests the contemporary of the building. And these materials well meet the special spatial requirements such as internal and external crossing, landscape view, exhibition, and indoor lighting.


展示空间? ?许昊皓
“记忆盒子”? ?许昊皓
展示空间天窗? ?许昊皓
分解图? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院


On the north side of the building, there is the ecological rural water landscape. The main pedestrian and vehicle entrance are facing east and close to the road, and the north side leaves a square facing the water body. A Moiré Pattern Dynamic Wall is designed to form a unique activity landscape with the people's walking routes and the views inside and outside the building. The pattern of the wall reproduces the local forest ecological environment and work scenes in the western Sichuan countryside, and adds a unique rural memory to the Nan-an-mei Village as demonstration village of the contemporary rural art construction.


夜景 ?许昊皓


The moiré effect is commonly found in digital cameras or scanners, etc. When the spatial frequency of the sensor pixels is close to the spatial frequency of the stripes in the image, a new wavy interference patterns may be created. The superposition of stripes with slightly different spatial frequencies, due to the difference in the spacing of the stripes, will gradually shift the coincident position, and then form the moiré effect.


摩尔纹动态效果原理图? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院


The pattern consists of several parts of the action, and the ratio of the slits of the striped grille to the solids is adjusted as needed to generate the striped grille. So that when the human eyes see the one of the frames of action through the grille slits, the other two frames of action will just be obscured. Furthermore, using a striped grille of the same proportion as a mask, cutting each frame into striped drawings, and fitting the patterns together according to the sequence of actions, designer will obtain a complete animation pattern. When the grille moves at the right speed, the human eye will see the dynamic image along with the change of its position, which will create the illusion that the pattern is cyclically active.


摩尔墙整体图案? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院
图案动态效果? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院


Starting from this principle, using the object stripe-like spacing to make the pattern active based on the motion illusion phenomenon, the device should contain the outer stripe grille and the inner side of the special pattern of the two basic components. Through the moving stripe grille, visitors will observe the dynamic illusion effect. The observation of the moiré effect is generally realized by the movement of the hole plate, but according to the principle of relative motion, the relative movement of the human eye and the hole by walking can also produce the moiré effect.


摩尔墙建成效果? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院
摩尔墙分解图? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院


Moiré Pattern Dynamic Wall is based on the principle of moiré effect and motion illusion,. Through the "digital chain" technology to complete the design and image processing, and linkage CNC processing. The final wall is nearly 50m, presenting a meaningful picture of farmhouses, forest and bamboo landscape. In conjunction with the design of the Country Ecology Museum, the project is guided by the "digital chain" technology to complete the design and pre-fabrication of the structural components of the wall and the background patterns and dynamic images of the 68 wall panels. When viewed from outside the wall, the viewer can see the different fixed-point movements of the patterns at different moments through the holes in the special grille, and then move around to create the dynamic illusion that the patterns are moving together with themselves.


摩尔墙近景? ?许昊皓
摩尔墙俯视? ?许昊皓
摩尔墙夜景? ?王笑


This project is not only an excellent application of digital generation technology in contemporary architectural landscape design, but also a vivid image of the achievements of the new socialist countryside construction through digital technology.


总平面图? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院
剖面图? ?东南大学建筑运算与应用研究所与东南大学建筑设计研究院
















